Zayn Malik told Teen Now about being famous: 'Well, we didn't really know what to expect, so I don't really know if it's better or worse. It's interesting because it is different, and we weren't famous before, so we don't really have anything to compare it to. Obviously there are upsides and downsides to it as well.' Most ridiculous rumour Zayn's ever heard about himself? 'I heard that I was married once. It was pretty weird. I've never been married.'
Zayn finding the band's rise to fame a little ‘too much'. Una, who bumped into the boys at Sydney's Scary Canary bar, told Now: 'The crowd were bombarding the two lads and just kept throwing themselves at them. It was so bad that one of their group's bouncers had to ask for an area near the bar to be cordoned off. It was ridiculous. Zayn kept saying it was all too much and that he was just trying to have a fun night out.'
Also, Liam's former hairdresser said that his family had to move: 'They've had to move house because the fans were constantly queuing up outside their house and peering through the windows. Liam was always a lovely, confident, fabulous young man but he was never cocky and was so polite. I hoped he'd do well because of that
vad vill killarna ha i en tjej ?

Liam och Danielle på Bahamas

Video av ett fan!
Niall Horan has been banned from dying his blond hair black by Simon Cowell. A source told The Sun newspaper: 'Simon still controls a lot about the band down to the finest detail. Niall was desperate to get rid of his blond locks and go black just for an experiment, like loads of normal teens.
Luckily, he had the sense to ask Simon first because he knows how he works. He put in a text to him asking if he could change his hair colour. Simon was straight back on to him with a short reply, 'No way'.'
Zayn Malik

Harry idag!

Niall twittertrend

1D in london

harry singel
Even though Harry Styles has been kissing and hanging out with Emma Ostilly, he is single His mom told HEAT: 'He'll make a nice boyfriend when he's ready. He's very sensitive and isn't a Jack the Lad (womaniser).
At the moment he doesn't want to tie himself down. He had one or two girlfriends when he was younger, but no one very special. I'd love Harry to have a family one day, and he'd love one, too. He'd make a fantastic dad.'
Harry and Louis' bachelor pad in Friern Barnet back on the market for £3 million. They rented it for £5,000 per month but now they have officially moved out.

Nialls nya profilbild

Niall har nått 3M



Helium är så roligt ibland!
Killarna påväg hem?

Sky Jumping

Bildspel :)

Lisebergsryktet falskt

Killarna till Sverige?

One Direction Kiss The Hot Hits Online Team
Killarna i Nya Zeeland

One direction affär i Nya Zeeland

Dagens Bild !

Liams twitcam

Jag vet att han heter Niall, min lillasyster skrev denna och stavade fel! / Therese

Meeting Louis Harry Zayn and Liam at Sydney airport
Up close and personal with One Direction
One Direction Exclusives With Fifi and Jules


One Direction in Canada - Behind-The-Scenes
Harry Styles asked out 32-year-old former Bachelorette Jillian Harris, reports E! Her rep said that Harry asked for her after introducing himself to her at the W Los Angeles: Westwood hotel in LA: '
He didn't know who she was and she didn't know who he was until later. He's really cute. Jillian thinks he's adorable but a little too young for her.' She told Us Weekly: 'I was super flattered.' Harry has dated many older woman and was recently photographed at a gay party.
Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson would never give up a girlfriend for their careers. A friend said: 'There's been a lot of talk about the 1D boys being banned from having girlfriends. It's better as it makes them seem more attainable, particularly with their new army of female fans in the US.
But there's absolutely no way Liam and Louis will give up Danielle and Eleanor. They don't see why their personal lives should suffer. The girls are a massive support, especially while the boys have been out in the States for the last month. They're both pretty outgoing and confident ladies, so they keep them grounded.'
Harry Styles will search for a former Kiwi girlfriend in New Zealand, reports NOW Magazine. Harry confided to band mates Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan and Liam Payne that he intends to visit the New Zealand family of his mystery ex.
'He still carries a flame for her. It's a secret trip and the lads in the band have agreed to go too.' The news will come as a shock to Styles' recent girlfriend, Caroline Flack, 32. She has been in contact with the singer since their three-month romance ended in January and was thought to be trying to rekindle their relationship.
'Caroline and Harry have been texting a lot while the boys have been away on tour. They are just friendly messages, along the lines of her asking how the show went and what he has been up to.'
One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful - TV Week Logie Awards (Logies) 2012
Hejsan läsare!!
Inget nytt eller något speciellt idag, men jag har en sak att berätta! :D
Det är inte vilken som helst dag idag UTAN
Therese som har denna bloggen tilsammans med mig och 2 andra tjejer,
fyller nämligen 16 år idag! :D
Så jag vill grattulera henne så hjärtligt mycket, och tror kanske till och med att
om hade killarna vetat om det hade de säkert gjort desamma :P
Jag har lärt känna Therese under de få dagarna som vi har haft bloggen tillsammans,
jag vill bara säga, att hon är en toppen tjej och är så välförtjänt en
Och som en liten pressent få hon en enda bild, som hon kan njuta av!
Kärlek till dig! <3
Kramar Hanna x

Dagens Bild !



One Direction fans bullied an Australian girl into cancelling a date with Zayn Malik. Anna Crotti had met the band, currently visiting Australia, when they visited the radio station where she works as a receptionist in Sydney and she made an impression on both Zayn and bandmate Harry Styles.
'A security guard came up to me. I thought I was in trouble but he said, 'The lads want your number'. I got a text later saying hello. I asked who it was and it was Zayn. We were communicating (via text) throughout the whole day pretty much and he asked if I would like to catch up for drinks. I said I was free a bit later.
By the end of the day, it got a bit too scary. Random girls were abusing me on Facebook. Girls were calling the radio station and giving me s**t. Mothers even called me in tears, demanding to know if I knew where One Direction were because their daughters wanted to meet them. I didn't even want to walk home. It was so intense. I messaged Zayn and said, 'Maybe it's not a good idea we meet up. It was just a bit too full on.'
Paul fyller år


One Direction in One Piece


Lily Halpern pratar om Harry
Harry och Lux trendar

USA??!! Nej!!

Liam is such a happy boy

Dagens Bild !

Zayn kissing?

Harry, singel eller inte?

One Direction on Today Show AUSTRALIA Part 2
One Direction on Today Show AUSTRALIA Part 1
Hoppsan Niall !

Niall :)
Jag läste Liam och Nialls lilla konversation på twitter om att Liam tycker att Niall sviker sina fans för att han inte visar sig utan tröja?!
Ja vad tycker ni egentligen? ;) tjaa, han får gärna ta av sig tröjan :)
Det sägs att han ska ha tagit mat från köket på hotellet där killarna bor ^^ vårt Lilla Söta rara matmonster Niall vi älskar dig!
Kärlek Hanna x
https://cdn1.cdnme.se/cdn/8-1/3228243/images/2012/pic_198073671.jpg" class="image">
Just nu går det ett rykte att Harry och Zayn har fått utegångsförbud eftersom de stack iväg på en nattklubb igår och blev fulla. De får nu alltså inte gå ut på några fler klubbar, enligt källor på twitter. Paul har tydligen gett dem utegångsförbud.
Vad tror ni, stämmer det? :)
/Ebba x
En av de nya! :)

hej alla fina Directioners!

En av de nya bloggarna!!!

nya bloggarna !

ny bloggare !