The adventurous Adventures of One Direction

4 miljoner

Killarna har nu 4 miljoner följare på twitter, grattis!

Harry och Paul tidigare idag

+ 10 Things You Didn't Know About One Direction.


De har fortfarande inte gått ut med att de är tillsammans, Perrie skrev på sin Instagram att de får se hur det blir när killarna kommer hem ifrån USA


One Direction ran up £14,000 in mobile phone bills, reports The Mirror. During recent tours of North America and Australia as they logged on to Twitter and Facebook, as well as phoning and texting home: 'Like most teenagers, the boys are obsessed with all things social media. They’re also encouraged to tweet by management to keep them interacting with fans but Niall and Liam in particular got pretty homesick during their travels and regularly called home.

When the bills landed on their doormat, the guys were utterly stunned and slightly devastated thinking they’d have to fork out themselves. In the end they got called in for a meeting and given a lecture on finances, and how to handle their money. It is vital wealth does not go to their heads. Their bills got signed off and the boys will not be making the same mistake again.' Since coming third on the X Factor in 2010, they have each earned around £400,000 but will be instant millionaires when royalties are paid out in 2013.

Louis Tomlinson!

Famous teen stars like Miley Cyrus and Vanessa Hudgens have take pictures of themselves stripping and naked, but One Direction's Louis Tomlinson said that he has NEVER send a nude picture to a girl. He told Top Of The Pops:

'I don’t think I have, no! That’s quite risky, especially now! So no taking pictures of my wiener! I think it’s a bit childish and immature to do that sort of thing, to be honest.

Niall told The Sun: 'Louis has the smelliest feet ever. He wears plimsolls with no socks so his feet get very sweaty and the sweat is captured. If we are on a bus or something and he takes them off we all pretty much start gagging.'


One Direction Single Double Platinum US

One Direction have sold two million digital sales of their debut single What Makes You Beautiful in the US, making it double platinum. Their debut album Up All Night is still selling strongly with 40,188 sales last week taking it past 600,000 copies in total.! sås stolt över våra killar! :)


Louis Tomlinson's mommy revealed who he had pinned up on his wall while growing up: 'He loved Hermione Granger, he met Emma Watson and told her she was his first crush. He’s always gone for brunettes actually. He didn't have many posters, but he's always liked looking at pretty girls, so not much has changed there!'

Killarna på flygplatsen i USA

Harry Styles och Emily Atack?

Det ryktas att Harry dejtat Emily Atack i hemlighet.
För två år sedan twittrade hon  "Does Harry from One Direction HAVE to be 16?!" och "Let’s pretend he’s 18 at least! Then there would only be One Direction he would be going…to the bedroom!"
Vi får se om de bekräftar det eller inte!

Video Diary, Pt. 3 (VEVO LIFT): Brought to you by McDonald's

One Direction - Video Diary, Pt. 4 (VEVO LIFT)

Video Diary, Pt. 2 (VEVO LIFT): Brought to you by McDonald's

Video Diary, Pt. 1 (VEVO LIFT): Brought to you by McDonald's

zayn and perrie ?

Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards were seen leaving her London home early in the morning last Wednesday suggesting they may well have enjoyed an all-night rendezvous, reports Daily Mail.

A message from One Direction - iTunes Festival 2012

One Direction Confession

Niall finns inte än

Liam Payne, 'Out On My Razor Scooter'

Louis Tomlinson Surprises His Girlfriend

Zayn Malik, 'I Don't Lie About Girlfriends'

Zayn Malik told Top Of The Pops that if he was in a relationship with a fan he would tell the truth: 'No, you shouldn’t keep it a secret just because she’s a fan. If she’s your girlfriend, then she’s your girlfriend.'

He has also NEVER lied about a relationship he’s been in with anyone before: ‘No, I’ve always been honest about that. What’s the point of lying? You’ll just get found out and then you’ll look an idiot.’ Do YOU support Zerrie?


Harry Styles, 'I'd Rather Not Sign Breasts'

Harry Styles told Top Of The Pops about the rudest requests he’s had from fans: 'I’ve signed a couple of boobs before! Although I thought that was a little bit inappropriate to be honest. I’d rather sign a piece of paper than a part of someone’s body!'  


Här är det nya albumaets låt lista!


Det ryktas om att deras skiva kommer släppas vid jul. Vi får se längre fram om det bara är ett rykte eller inte!

11/5- 2012 : Jag såg killarna och pratade med Paul.

Videon plus några av de många bilder jag tog igår, allt taget av mig!
Fick mig även en pratstund med Paul, som jag tänkte dela med mig lite av.
Jag hade natten innan, skrivit ett sex sidors långt brev till killarna, MEN OCKSÅ ett eget, personligt brev till Paul. När jag och min kompis var på väg till killarnas studio, fick jag för mig att Paul behövde en ros. Jag hade hört alla rykten om att de skulle åka hem på grund av de galna fansen, så jag sprang in i en blomsteraffär, köpte en ros och sprang sedan till studion. Vi kom dit, stod där i ca 5-10 minuter, innan Paul kom ut ur studion. Alla ropade "kolla, där är Paul!". Han gick upp för gatan, och jag och min kompis plus några andra tjejer gick efter, fast på andra sidan gatan. Vi gick försiktigt mot honom, men han höjde handen och sa "Please, girls. Not now, I'm on the phone. I'll speak to you later" och vi nickade, medans vi ställde oss och väntade på att han skulle prata klart. Jag var jättenervös där jag stod med hans brev och ros. Tillslut lade han på och började långsamt gå ner mot studion igen, så vi gick över gatan till honom. De andra tjejerna gick före oss, försökte ge honom lappar att ge till killarna. Men allt han sa var "I'll bring the boys out soon, you can give it later" osv. Jag trängde mig fram, skulle precis öppna munnen när jag räckte fram sakerna och fick samma svar, att killarna skulle komma ut senare så jag kunde ge det till dem. Wow, vad sträng han ser ut, tänkte jag. Jag stammade lite, innan jag fick fram orden.
"But Paul, these are for you..." sa jag nervöst och då hände det gulligaste någonsin. Pauls stenansikte, som var fruktansvärt allvarligt, mjuknade och hans ögon glittrade till en aning medans han fick en lite rödaktig färg i ansiktet.
"Oh... Wow thank you" sa han och tog glatt emot rosen och brevet, där det tydligt stod "To: Paul. From: Ebba".
Han såg på kuvertet en stund, innan han såg på mig igen.
"The boys will make so much fun of me now when I've got this" sa han och hjärtat hoppade över ett slag. Han blinkade till mig, vände sig om och gick ner till studion, UTAN att ta de andras lappar som var till killarna. Sen stod jag bara där och log som ett fån.
Senare, när Paul ropade om var killarna skulle vara, träffade jag honom igen. Jag fick en highfive, och jag sa "I gave you the rose!"
Paul såg då på mig, log och sa "I know"
"Please Paul, read the letter too!" sa jag, kanske lite desperat och han nickade.
"I will"
Sedan föste han iväg mig till de andra.
Men åh, verkligen. Paul är seriöst en av de sötaste livvakterna någonsin.
Vi stod sedan, 5 timmar senare, nedanför en balkong där killarna skulle komma ut.
Vi väntade och väntade, och tillslut körde det fram en silvrig bil däruppe. Paul gick först, sedan kom killarna ut och skriket blev öronbedövande. Men herrejösses, så perfekta de var. Helt galet. De hade finnar. Och de såg bättre ut med finnarna än de bortredigerade bilderna.
Det var helt amazing.
Killarna stod i bara ca 7 minuter innan de åkte ner till studion igen och vi såg inte en skymt av dem.
Någon timme senare, när mer än hälften av fansen gått därifrån hände något.
Plötsligt hoppade någon ut, Zayn var det närmare bestämt, med en starwarshjälm på huvudet och dansade mitt på den avspärrade gatan. Fansen som var kvar skrek, medans han skakade loss med armarna över huvudet. Paul hämtade honom, tog in honom i studion igen. Ytterligare en timme senare, kom nästa person ut med starwarshjälmen, också dansandes! Vi vet dock inte vem av dem det var, men vi tror det var Niall eller Harry.
Efter det var jag tvungen att ta tåget hem, så vi drog därifrån. Killarna stack till hotellet vid två på natten.
Det var första dagen vi mötte dem.


Det har kommit upp bla en video nu under dagen, antagligen filmad av ett fan där killarna hälsar från balkongen i Stockholm, tycker verkligen synd om killarna som blir utsatta för allt för mycket och överhuvudtaget allt kaos som uppstår!!
Vi får iallafall hoppas att killarna lyckas göra ifrån sig ett bra jobb i studion med det nya albumet, annars kanske de inte kommer tillbaka som Paul säger...
Hanna x

More than this musikvideo

På fredagmorgon kommer More than this musikvideo ut. Den kommer visas på Today show Australia.
Musikvideon ryktas ha spelats in när killarna var i Paris i februari.

One direction i Sverige

Killarna befinner sig just nu i Stockholm. Exakt vart de är just nu vet vi inte, men om ni träffar på de uppför er så de vill komma tillbaka hit!
De kommer spela in på sin andra skiva och kommer stanna i ungefär en vecka! :)

Killarna till Sverige imorgon?

Det ryktas just nu att killarna åker till Sverige imorgon, men det ryktas också att de ska åka till USA imorgon. Vilket är sant? Det får vi se:)





Nu har alla killarna nått 3 miljoner följare på Twitter! Grattis! :)

Imagine - Niall


Glee's cover på What makes you beautiful

Här är Glee's cover på What makes you beautiful som de kommer framföra i ett avsnitt! ;)


1. Harry wants his first child to be a girl, and would like to name her Darcy.

2. Niall is a natural brunette.

3. Zayn has a tattoo on his chest which says his Grandfathers name, in Arabic.

4. Liam has a fear of spoons.
5. Louis has 4 younger sisters.
6. Harry came up with the name 'One Direction'.
7. The producer's wanted Niall to go on a diet whilst on the X-Factor.
8. Liam cried while watching 'Toy Story 3'.
9. Niall cried while watching 'Finding Nemo'.
10. Zayn's parents are from Pakistan.
11. Everyone in One Direction has one or more sisters except for Niall. He is the only one who has a brother.
12. If Zayn wasn't in the band he would be an English teacher.
13. If Liam wasn't in the band he would work in a factory building airplanes.
14. If Harry wasn't in the band he would be at university studying and would work in a bakery.
15. Liam and Louis have mad Harry cry twice. By giving him a GIANT wedgie then ripping his Calvin Klein underwear and straightening his gorgeous curly hair in his sleep.
16. Louis likes girls who eat carrots.
17. If Niall wasn't in the band he would be a sound engineer.
18. Harry said "One day i would love to go to New Zealand, I've always wanted to go there!"
19. Zayn's Youtube account goes by the name of 'bradfordboizayn'.
20. Niall screamed when Justin Bieber followed him.
21. The lads are going to be doing video diaries early 2012 but they are rumored to be scripted unlike the ones for the X-Factor.
22. Harry has a Christmas jumper with skiing people on it.
23. Zayn does funny dancing when he is drunk.
24. Liam thinks it would be great to employ people to play games with them.
25. Liam bought Niall a life sized 'Barack Obama' for Christmas.
26. There WILL be an 'Up All Night Live Tour' DVD.
27. Harry's favorite food is sweetcorn and his fave drink is apple juice.
28. There will be a video diary every time they do a concert, there are 24 dates!
29. Uncle Simon told Caroline Flack to stay away from Harry.
30. Liam is the only one in the band that calls Harry 'Hazza'
31. 1D will sing 'Torn' live on tour.
32. Liam wants to get married in his mid-twenties.
33. Liam can beatbox.
34. Harry can play the kazoo.
35. Louis can play a bit of the piano.
36. Liam can play a bit of piano and a bit of guitar.
37. Niall can play guitar.
38. Zayn can play the triangle.
39. Zayn wants to quit smoking because he knows the fans don't like it.
40. The boys are reportedly singing all the songs on the full album and some favorites from The X Factor.
41. Niall usually ends his tweets with kisses.
42. Most of One Direction's fan girls are on twitter NOT facebook.
43. Harry thinks that if he wasn't in One Direction people wouldn't like him as much as they do.
44. Louis describes Zayn's body as 'hot and spicy'.
45. Harry says that if he had the chance,, he'd date Taylor Swift.
46. Liam gets emotional while singing 'Moments'. (Bro we all do.)
47. Cardboard cut-outs of the boys are being made.
48. Niall said 'I always defend the people I love, even though I'm about as terrifying as a ... baby penguin.' (He's way cuter than a baby penguin!)
49. Harry thinks that 'Bambi' is the perfect first date movie because your date will get emotional and cuddle up to you.
50. Louis cries when he watches romantic comedies.
51. Niall sings loud in the shower.
52. They will perform on the American X Factor soon.
53. Liam says he's awful at flirting and he just goes shy.
54. When Harry was younger he used to write on his toast with food colouring.
55. Niall used to sing to his girlfriend.
56. Zayn wishes he could swap voices with Niall.
57. Louis doesn't see the point in flings, or short-term relationships.
58. Zayn likes girls who are intelligent.
59. If the world ended in 10 seconds what would you do? Niall said he'd fart.
60. Niall thinks Harry's constant nudity is contagious.
61. Harry's first word was 'cat' (Appropriate :])
62. With all the money Niall has made, he bought his mum a new car.
63. The boys think Niall would die first in a horror movie because he wouldn't know what the hell was going on.
64. Liam used to practice kissing on the back of his hand. (Haven't we all?)
65. Liam thinks tattoos are 'Hot'.
66. Louis like it when girls wear glasses, real or not.
67. In a survey on facebook Niall came out favorite member with 60% of votes and Harry came last with 5% of votes.
68. When Matt was announced the winner of X Factor you can see Harry crying in the background.
69. Niall has a Nando's black card, which gives him free Nando's and is only given to celebrities.
70. The rest of the band thought Louis was quiet when the first met.
71. Harry and Louis first met in the toilets at X Factor.
72. Harry says he's awful at covering up his emotions.
73. Liam used to skip school to get away from being bullied by his classmates. (I bet those bullies regret it now!)
74. Ed Sheeran wrote 'Moments'.
75. Harry is learning to drive and is looking at cars to buy.
76. Harry's favorite song on the album is 'More Than This' and Niall's is 'One Thing'.
77. One Direction wrote 'More Than This', 'Taken' and 'Stole My Heart'.
78. Louis dreams about Harry and Niall the most.
79. Liam says his accent is just a mix of all the boys because he spends so much time with them.
80. The lads have matching friendship bracelets.
81. Niall talks about his day in his sleep.
82. Zayn mimed 'hello' through the car window to a fan and she passed out.
83. Louis pokes Harry's cheeks when he's bored.
84. Harry likes girls who wear pink.
85. Harry agreed to pose in a mankini if 'Gotta Be You' goes to number one.
86. Niall likes it when girls can put on different accents and can speak different languages.
87. Harry once told a girl he was gay because he wasn't interested in her.
88. Harry thinks Niall looks like Furby.
89. Harry likes a girl with a good appetite.
90. Zayn wanted the album to be called 'Zayn and the Boys'.
91. Niall had the green one piece but traded with Zayn because he didn't want there to be any leprechaun jokes.
92. When Niall gets homesick the rest of the boys speak to him in an Irish accent.
93. Harry and Liam are gym buddies.
94. They once sent Uncle Simon a birthday card with 2 pounds fifty in it, 50 pence for each.
95. Zayn once ate Niall last chip and he tried to eat Zayn's hand as punishment.
96. Liam's favorite Justin Bieber song is 'Somebody to Love'.
97. Zayn doesn't like his lips.
98. For Harry a romantic date would be tandem bike riding.
99. Would you rather kiss a girl or eat pizza? Harry replied 'kiss a girl' and Niall said he would eat pizza.
100. Zayn is a cuddling sort of guy.
101. Apparently Niall has written FIVE songs for the new album!!
102. The photo that has been sweeping Tumblr by storm of Niall smoking is infact... a FAKE! Some idiot photoshopped Zayn's hand onto a photo of Niall.
103. If Liam could make an ice-cream flavor it would be Krisy-Kreme flavoured... what a weirdo. :)

Bilder på Liam och Danielle

Liam och Danielle är just nu i Orlando. Här är några bilder på de! ;)

Glee 3x19 Promo - "Prom-asaurus" (HD) WMYB

Harry Styles Party Ban, Niall's Ex Didn't Die

Harry Styles has been told to stay single and cut down on his party boy lifestyle. Insider told STAR: 'Harry has been told to cut back on the partying.' Bosses want to keep their relationships out of the public eye: 'Harry feels bad about it. He hates that fact that any girl he is linked to gets such foul abuse. But his bosses say that he should simply stay single for the time being to stop it happening. He can’t win!' Caroline Flack told NOW: 'I knew they were just a minority of One Direction fans and all very young. it's a kind of fanatical obsession. I can't take it seriously or I'd never come out of my house.' Harry's mom was bashed on Twitter: 'I hope you'll die because you are a bitch.. Harry's mum has big boobs and a big bottom she looks like a b*tch.' Niall Horan has quickly denied rumours started online that his ex-girlfriend has died. A picture of the Irish singer with blonde ex-girlfriend Holly Scally began spreading around Twitter on Wednesday (May 2, 2012), with the message 'Rip Holly' tagged on it. Those responsible for the photograph went on to claim Holly had lost her battle with cancer, when in fact she was alive and well. One user told One Direction fans, 'Guys, I had some really bad news, Niall's ex-girlfriend Holly has passed away due to cancer'. After hearing of the rumours, a source close to Niall told the Sun: 'This is just some sick hoax, Holly is absolutely fine'.

Snygga linnen!

Hur snygga är inte dessa linnerna?
De går att köpa HÄR

Louis är 1/16 belgisk

Efter att Louis tweetat att han är 1/16 belgisk så trentar 1/16 Belgian på twitter just nu!
Visste ni att han var belgisk?;)


#ZaynIsFlawless, #LiamIsHandsome, #LouisIsGorgeus och 1D is 1Derful trendar just nu på twitter! ;)


#ZaynIsFlawless, #LiamIsHandsome, #LouisIsGorgeus och 1D is 1Derful trendar just nu på twitter! ;)

Grattis Zayn!

Zayn har nått 3 miljoner följare på twitter, grattis! :)

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